Our work, your specs

Boutique pickups wound the way you want them

From concept to reality…

With backgrounds in both engineering and luthiery, we have the skills to deliver not just a specific tone, but also a great playing experience


Breathe new life into a dead or malfunctioning pickup


Build a whole new guitar or bass pickup just the way you imagined it


Complete re-string and setup with neck adjustment and intonation


Get to the good part by installing a pickup right where it belongs


Analyze an existing guitar pickup with the goal of building a direct copy


Whether it’s making a nut from a blank, or doing a fret level and crown, we can do it

High-Tech Meets Boutique

CNC coil winding technology with a human touch


  • CNC controlled pickup winding
  • Precision wire placement
  • Configurable wind tension

Pickup Designer


  • Interactively build your own pickup design
  • Showcase winning pickup designs
  • Review and compare sound characterizations

The bass sounds better than it ever has… very pleased and totally satisfied. Will definitely be spreading the word!

Joe MackIntosh

Custom rewind and install

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